- Another unique gaming interface for the Wii, this one is the 'balance board'. This is really just a set of mini-games. It has skiing, biking, jogging, skateboarding, snowboarding, bird flying (I have no idea what you really call it?), an obstacle course, and a bunch of yoga exercises (Complete with your own personal trainer).
- Obviously, this isn't your classic video game and I can't imagine that this would hit any gamer's top ten list. Once you get over how cool the balance board control system is, there isn't anything here that will really hold your attention.
- Well, OK, there is one thing that will hold your attention. This game is set-up to be a kind of fitness program. The heart of the program is that the balance board doubles as a scale and tracks your weight. If you want it to, it will track your calories and exercise (Based primarily on your entry). I have a hard time believing that anybody would ever 'get fit' by just using the games provided. But if you are doing your own exercise program, this weight tracking interface can really help show your progress, day-to-day. The charts provided, while somewhat primitive, provide the views required to see how you're doing daily, weekly, and monthly. And the game encourages you to set goals with specific dates so that you can hold yourself to your plan.
- Overall, it's neat and somewhat useful. Nothing you couldn't do without some running shoes, a scale, and a notepad. But the combination is fun and for a short gaming sessions, it's a welcome change to the usual shooters.
Well it did help you lose 150 lbs...
Hilarious... your xbox is jealous!